Karl Haring
Denise Haring
Karl-Heinz Zöhrer
CEO Haring Immobilientreuhand GmbH
Sales Management, Head of Marketing
BM Ing. Günther Einwögerer
Johannes Grandits
DI Emmanuel Baumgartner
Director of architecture department
Project development
Ing. Ronald Mandl
Dipl. Ing. Alexander Skarbal
Florentina Pomper
Alexander Schuch
Data protection manager
Head of IT
Mag. Clemens Günther
Dr. Liangxin Si
Gerhard Pauritsch
Christian Gorke
Anton Haring
Dipl. BW Andreas Friedl, MBA
Konstanze Kohberger, BSC MBA
MMag. Gabriele Marth
Ing. Andreas Glavanovits
Joachim Pratscher
Andreas Lameraner
BM Ing. Alexander Schaffer
BMSTR. DIPL.-ING. Michael Prasser
DI FH Markus Grandits
Thomas Zsifkovits
Thomas Tschemernegg
DI Johann Stopfner
Stefan Aschenberger
Bernhard Höhn
Guntram Oberhuber
Johannes Köglberger